[65] Origin and scarcity of breathing pyrochlore lattices in spinel oxides
Valentina Mazzotti, Solveig S. Aamlid, Abraham A. Mancilla, Janna Machts, Megan Rutherford, Jörg Rottler, Kenji M. Kojima, and Alannah M. Hallas. Physical Review Materials 9, 033602 (2025)
[64] Tetragonal BaCoO3: A Co4+ Ferromagnetic Mott Insulator with Inverted Spin Crossover
Mingyu Xu, Haozhe Wang, Krishna Prasad Koirala, Corey Melnick, Cheng Peng, Mario U. González-Rivas, Jiaqi Lu, Le Wang, Mark H Engelhard, Yingge Du, Xianglin Ke, Jessica Freese, Robert J Green, Alannah M. Hallas, Jie Li, Gabriel Kotliar, Weiwei Xie. arXiv:2410.18826.
[63] Emergence of Light-Induced Superconducting-like State from the Charge Density Wave State in High-Tc Cuprate Superconductors
Morihiko Nishida, Dongjoon Song, Alannah M. Hallas, Hiroshi Eisaki, and Ryo Shimano. Physical Review B 110, 224515 (2024) [Editor's Suggestion and featured in Physics].
[62] Discovery of Superconductivity and Electron-Phonon Drag in the Non-Centrosymmetric Semimetal LaRhGe3
Mohamed Oudah, Hsiang-Hsi Kung, Samikshya Sahu, Niclas Heinsdorf, Armin Schulz, Kai Philippi, Marta-Villa De Toro Sanchez, Yipeng Cai, Kenji Kojima, Andreas P. Schnyder, Hidenori Takagi, Bernhard Keimer, Doug A. Bonn, and Alannah M. Hallas. npj Quantum Materials 9, 88 (2024).
[61] Short-range order and local distortions in entropy stabilized oxides
Solveig S. Aamlid, Sam Mugiraneza, Mario U. González-Rivas, Graham King, Alannah M. Hallas, and Jörg Rottler. Chemistry of Materials 36, 19, 9636–9645 (2024).
[60] Impact of Synthesis Method on the Structure and Function of High Entropy Oxides
Mario U. González-Rivas, Solveig S. Aamlid, Megan R. Rutherford, Jessica Freese, Ronny Sutarto, Ning Chen, Edgar E. Villalobos-Portillo, Hiram Castillo-Michel, Minu Kim, Hidenori Takagi, Robert J. Green, Alannah M. Hallas. Journal of the American Chemical Society 146, 26048–26059 (2024).
[59] Effect of high pressure synthesis conditions on the formation of high entropy oxides
Solveig S. Aamlid, Minu Kim, Mario U. González-Rivas, Mohamed Oudah, Hidenori Takagi, and Alannah M. Hallas. Applied Physics Letters 125, 021901 (2024).
[58] Physical properties and electronic structure of the two-gap superconductor V2Ga5
P.-Y. Cheng, Mohamed Oudah, T.-L. Hung, C.-E. Hsu, C.-C. Chang, J.-Y. Haung, T.-C. Liu, C.-M. Cheng, M.-N. Ou, W.-T. Chen, L.Z. Deng, C.-C. Lee, Y.-Y. Chen, C.-N. Kuo, C.-S. Lue, Janna Machts, Kenji M. Kojima, Alannah M. Hallas, and C.-L. Huang. Physical Review Research 6, 033253 (2024).
[57] Conductive surface states and Kondo exhaustion in insulating YbIr3Si7
M. Stavinoha, C.-L. Huang, W. A. Phelan, A.M. Hallas, V. Loganathan, M. Michiardi, J. Falke, S. Zhdanovich, D. Takegami, C.-E. Liu, K. D. Tsuei, C. T. Chen, L. Qian, N.J. Ng, J.W. Lynn, Q. Huang, F. Weickert, V. Zapf, K.R. Larsen, P.D. Sparks, J.C. Eckert, A.B. Puthirath, H.-H. Kung, T.M. Pedersen, S. Gorovikov, A. Damascelli, L.H. Tjeng, C. Hooley, A.H. Nevidomskyy, and E. Morosan. Physical Review B 109, 035112 (2024).
[56] Direct confirmation of long-range magnetic order and evidence for multipoles in Ce2O3
A. Cote, J.E. Slimak, A. Sethi, D. Reig-i-Plessis, Q. Zhang, Y. Zhao, D. Adroja, G. Morris, T. Kolodiazhnyi, A.M. Hallas., J.W. Lynn, S.L.Cooper, and G.J. MacDougall. arXiv:2303.11878.
[55] Symmetry-mode analysis for local structure investigations using pair distribution function data
Parker K. Hamilton, Jaime M. Moya, Alannah M. Hallas, E. Morosan, Raju Baral, and Benjamin A. Frandsen. Journal of Applied Crystallography 56, 1192-119 (2023).
[54] Phase stability of entropy stabilized oxides with the α-PbO2 structure
Solveig S. Aamlid, Graham H.J. Johnstone, Sam Mugiraneza, Mohamed Oudah, Jörg Rottler, and Alannah M. Hallas. Communications Materials 4, 45 (2023).
[53] Understanding the role of entropy in high entropy oxides
Solveig S. Aamlid, Mohamed Oudah, Jörg Rottler,and Alannah M. Hallas. Journal of the American Chemical Society 145 (11), 5991-6006 (2023).
[52] Entropy Engineering and Tunable Magnetic Order in the Spinel High-Entropy Oxide
Graham H.J. Johnstone, Mario U. González-Rivas, Keith M. Taddei, Ronny Sutarto, George A. Sawatzky, Robert J. Green, Mohamed Oudah, and Alannah M. Hallas. Journal of the American Chemical Society 144 (45), 20590-20600 (2022).
[51] Field-induced quantum critical point in the itinerant antiferromagnet Ti3Cu4
J.M. Moya, A.M. Hallas, V. Loganathan, C.-L. Huang, L.L. Kish, A.A. Aczel, J. Beare, Y. Cai, G. M. Luke, F. Weickert, A.H. Nevidomskyy, C.D. Malliakas, M.G. Kanatzidis, S. Lei, K. Bayliff, and E. Morosan. Communications Physics 5, 136 (2022).
[50] Tutorial: a beginner’s guide to interpreting magnetic susceptibility data with the Curie-Weiss law
Sam Mugiraneza and Alannah M. Hallas. Communications Physics 5, 95 (2022).
[49] Nonsymmorphic symmetry-protected band crossings in a square-net metal PtPb4
H. Wu, A.M. Hallas, X. Cai, J. Huang, J.S. Oh, V. Loganathan, A. Weiland, G.T. McCandless, J.Y. Chan, S.-K. Mo, D. Lu, M. Hashimoto, J. Denlinger, R.J. Birgeneau, A.H. Nevidomskyy, G. Li, E. Morosan, and M. Yi. npj Quantum Materials 7, 31 (2022).
[48] Lattice dynamics in the Kagome metal Sc3Mn3Al7Si5
X.Y. Li, D. Reig-i-Plessis, P.-F. Liu, S. Wu, B.-T. Wang, A.M. Hallas, M.B. Stone, C. Broholm, and M.C. Aronson. Physical Review B 104, 134305 (2021).
[47] Unconventional magnetic order emerging from competing energy scales in the new intermetallics (R = Gd-Yb)
L. Qian, S. Lei, B. K. Rai, C.-L. Huang, A. M. Hallas, G.T. McCandless, J.Y. Chan, and E. Morosan. Physical Review Materials 5, 094416 (2021).
[46] Absence of moment fragmentation in the mixed B-site pyrochlore Nd2GaSbO7
S.J. Gomez, P.M. Sarte, M. Zelensky, A.M. Hallas, B.A. Gonzalez, K.H. Hong, E.J. Pace, S. Calder, M.B. Stone, Y. Su, E. Feng, M.D. Le, C. Stock, J.P. Attfield, S.D. Wilson, C.R. Wiebe, and A.A. Aczel. Physical Review B 103, 214419 (2021).
[45] Dynamical ground state in the XY pyrochlore Yb2GaSbO7
P.M. Sarte, K. Cruz-Kan, B.R. Ortiz, K.H. Hong, M.M. Bordelon, D. Reig-i-Plessis, M. Lee, E.S. Choi, M.B. Stone, S. Calder, D.M. Pajerowski, L. Mangin-Thro, Y. Qiu, J.P. Attfield, S.D. Wilson, C. Stock, H.D. Zhou, A.M. Hallas, J.A.M. Paddison, A.A. Aczel and C.R. Wiebe. npj Quantum Materials 6, 41 (2021).
[44] Frustrated magnetism in fluoride and chalcogenide pyrochlore lattice materials
Dalmau Reig-i-Plessis and Alannah M. Hallas. Physical Review Materials 5, 030301 (2021).
[43] Quantum critical point in the itinerant ferromagnet Ni1-xRhx
C.-L. Huang, A.M. Hallas, K. Grube, S. Kuntz, B. Spiess, K. Bayliff, T. Besara, T. Siegrist, Y. Cai, J. Beare, G.M. Luke, and E. Morosan. Physical Review Letters 124, 117203 (2020).
[42] Intertwined magnetic, structural, and electronic transitions in V2O3
B.A. Frandsen, Y. Kalcheim, I. Valmianski, A.S. McLeod, Z. Guguchia, S.C. Cheung, A.M. Hallas, M.N. Wilson, Y. Cai, G.M. Luke, Z. Salman, A. Suter, T. Prokscha, T. Murakami, H. Kageyama, D.N. Basov, I.K. Schuller, and Y.J. Uemura. Physical Review B 100, 235136 (2019).
[41] Complex transport and magnetism in inhomogeneous mixed valence Ce3Ir4Ge13
A.M. Hallas, C.L. Huang, B.K. Rai, A. Weiland, G.T. McCandless, J.Y. Chan, J. Beare, G.M. Luke, and E. Morosan. Physical Review Materials 3, 114407 (2019).
[40] Sr(M,Te)2O6 (M = Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni): A Magnetically Dilute Family of Honeycomb Tellurates
A.M. Hallas and E. Morosan. Inorganic Chemistry 58 10, 6993-6999 (2019).
[39] Probing the quantum phase transition in Mott insulator BaCoS2 tuned by pressure and Ni-substitution
Z. Guguchia, B.A. Frandsen, D. Santos-Cottin, S.C. Cheung, Z. Gong, Q. Sheng, K. Yamakawa, A.M. Hallas, M.N. Wilson, Y. Cai, J. Beare, R. Khasanov, R. De Renzi, G.M. Luke, S. Shamoto, A. Gauzzi, Y. Klein, and Y.J. Uemura. Physical Review Materials 3, 045001 (2019).
[38] Coexistence of metallic and nonmetallic properties in the pyrochlore Lu2Rh2O7
A.M. Hallas, A.Z. Sharma, C. Mauws, Q. Chen, H.D. Zhou, C. Ding, Z. Gong, M. Tachibana, P.M. Sarte, J.P. Attfield, G.M. Luke, and C.R. Wiebe. npj Quantum Materials 4, 9 (2019).
[37] Low-carrier density and fragile magnetism in a Kondo lattice system
B.K. Rai, I. Oswald, W. Ban, C.-L. Huang, V. Loganathan, A.M. Hallas, M.N. Wilson, G. M. Luke, L. Harriger, Q. Huang, Y. Li, S. Dzsaber, J.Y. Chan, N.L. Wang, S. Paschen, J.W. Lynn, A.H. Nevidomskyy, P. Dai, Q. Si, and E. Morosan. Physical Review B 99, 085120 (2019).
[36] Anomalous metamagnetism in the low carrier density Kondo lattice YbRh3Si7
B.K. Rai, S. Chikara, X. Ding, I.W.H. Oswald, R. Schoenemann, V. Loganathan, A.M. Hallas, H.B. Cao, M. Stavinoha, H. Man, S. Carr, J. Singleton, V. Zapf, K.A. Benavides, J.Y. Chan, Q.R. Zhang, D. Rhodes, Y.C. Chiu, L. Balicas, A.A. Aczel, Q. Huang, J.W. Lynn, J. Gaudet, D.A. Sokolov, H.C. Walker, D.T. Adroja, P. Dai, A.H. Nevidomskyy, C.-L. Huang, E. Morosan. Physical Review X 8, 041047 (2018).
[35] µSR study of spin freezing and persistent spin dynamics in NaCaNi2F7
Y. Cai, M.N. Wilson, A.M. Hallas, L. Liu, B.A. Frandsen, S.R. Dunsiger, J.W. Krizan, R.J. Cava, O. Rubel, Y.J. Uemura, and G.M. Luke. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 30, 38 (2018).
[34] Disentangling superconducting and magnetic orders in NaFe1-xNixAs using muon spin rotation
S.C. Cheung, Z. Guguchia, B.A. Frandsen, Z. Gong, K. Yamakawa, D.E. Almeida, I.J. Onuorah, P. Bonfa, E. Miranda, W. Wang, D.W. Tam, Y. Song, C. Cao, Y. Cai, A.M. Hallas, M.N. Wilson, T.J.S. Munsie, G. Luke, B. Chen, G. Dai, C. Jin, S. Guo, F. Ning, R.M. Fernandes, R. De Renzi, P. Dai, Y.J. Uemura. Physical Review B 97, 224508 (2018).
[33] Dipolar-octupolar Ising antiferromagnetism in Sm2Ti2O7: A moment fragmentation candidate
C. Mauws, A.M. Hallas, G. Sala, A.A. Aczel, P.M. Sarte, J. Gaudet, D. Ziat, J.A. Quilliam, J.A. Lussier, M. Bieringer, H.D. Zhou, A. Wildes, M.B. Stone, D. Abernathy, G.M. Luke, B.D. Gaulin, and C.R. Wiebe. Physical Review B: Rapid Communications 98, 100401(R) (2018).
[32] Magneto-elastic induced vibronic bound state in the spin ice pyrochlore Ho2Ti2O7
J. Gaudet, A.M. Hallas, C.R.C. Buhariwalla, G. Sala, M.B. Stone, M. Tachibana, K. Baroudi, R.J. Cava, and B.D. Gaulin. Physical Review B 98, 014419 (2018).
[31] Low-frequency spin dynamics in XY quantum spin ice Yb2Pt2O7
S.K. Takahashi, A. Arsenault, C. Mauws, A.M. Hallas, C. Sarkis, K.A. Ross, C.R. Wiebe, M. Tachibana, G.M. Luke, and T. Imai. Physical Review B 98, 104425 (2018).
[30] Band Jahn-Teller structural phase transition in Y2In
E. Svanidze, C. Georgen, A.M. Hallas, Q. Huang, J.M. Santiago, J.W. Lynn, and E. Morosan. Physical Review B 97, 054111 (2018).
[29] Experimental insights into ground state selection of quantum XY pyrochlores
A.M. Hallas, J. Gaudet, and B.D. Gaulin. Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics, Vol. 9, 105-124 (2018).
[28] Effect of chemical pressure on the crystal electric field states of erbium pyrochlore magnets
J. Gaudet, A.M. Hallas, A.I. Kolesnikov, and B.D. Gaulin. Physical Review B 97, 024415 (2018).
[27] Phase competition in the Palmer-Chalker XY pyrochlore Er2Pt2O7
A.M. Hallas, J. Gaudet, N.P. Butch, G. Xu, M. Tachibana, C.R. Wiebe, G.M. Luke, and B.D. Gaulin. Physical Review Letters 119, 187201 (2017).
[26] µSR study of the noncentrosymmetric superconductor PbTaSe2
M.N. Wilson, A.M. Hallas, Y. Cai, S. Guo, Z. Gong, R. Sankar, F.C. Chou, Y.J. Uemura, and G.M. Luke. Physical Review B 95, 224506 (2017).
[25] Experimental evidence for field induced emergent clock anisotropies in the XY pyrochlore Er2Ti2O7
J. Gaudet, A.M. Hallas, J. Thibault, N.P. Butch, H.A. Dabkowska, and B.D. Gaulin. Physical Review B 95, 054407 (2017).
[24] Magnetic ground states in the three Os6+ (5d2) double perovskites Ba2MOsO6 (M = Mg, Zn, and Cd) from Neel order to its suppression
C.A. Marjerrison, C.M. Thompson, A.Z. Sharma, A.M. Hallas, M.N. Wilson, T. Munsie, R. Flacau, C.R. Wiebe, B.D. Gaulin, G.M. Luke, and J.E. Greedan. Physical Review B 94, 134429 (2016).
[23] Relief of frustration in the Heisenberg pyrochlore antiferromagnet Gd2Pt2O7
A.M. Hallas, A.Z. Sharma, Y. Cai, T.J. Munsie, M.N. Wilson, M. Tachibana, C.R. Wiebe, and G.M. Luke. Physical Review B 94, 134417 (2016).
[22] Cubic Re6+ (5d1) double perovskites, Ba2MgReO6, Ba2ZnReO6, and Ba2Y2/3ReO6: Magnetism, heat capacity, µSR, and neutron scattering studies and comparison with theory
C.A. Marjerrison, C.M. Thompson, G. Sala, D.D. Maharaj, E. Kermarrec, Y. Cai, A.M. Hallas, M.N. Wilson, T. Munsie, G.E. Granroth, R. Flacau, J.E. Greedan, B.D. Gaulin, and G.M. Luke. Inorganic Chemistry 55, 10701 (2016).
[21] Magnetic dilution and domain selection in the XY pyrochlore antiferromagnet Er2Ti2O7
J. Gaudet, A.M. Hallas, D.D. Maharaj, C.R.C. Buhariwalla, E. Kermarrec, N.P. Butch, T.J.S. Munsie, H.A. Dabkowska, G.M. Luke, and B.D. Gaulin. Physical Review B: Rapid Communications 94, 060407(R) (2016).
[20] Volume-wise destruction of the antiferromagnetic Mott insulating state through quantum tuning
B.A. Frandsen, L. Liu, S.C. Cheung, Z. Guguchia, R. Khasanov, E. Morenzoni, T.J.S. Munsie, A.M. Hallas, M.N. Wilson, Y. Cai, G.M. Luke, B. Chen, W. Li, C. Jin, C. Ding, S. Guo, F. Ning, T.U. Ito, W. Higemoto, S.J.L. Billinge, S. Sakamoto, A. Fujimori, T. Murakami, H. Kageyama, J.A. Alonso, G. Kotliar, M. Imada, and Y.J. Uemura. Nature Communications 7, 12519 (2016).
[19] Effect of interlayer coupling on the coexistence of antiferromagnetism and superconductivity in Fe pnictide superconductors: A study of Ca0.74La0.26(Fe1-xCox)As2 single crystals
S. Jiang, L. Liu, M. Schutt, A.M. Hallas, B. Shen, W. Tian, E. Emmanouilidou, A. Shi, G.M. Luke, Y.J. Uemura, R.M. Fernandes, and Ni Ni. Physical Review B 93, 174513 (2016).
[18] Universal dynamic magnetism in Yb pyrochlores with disparate ground states
A.M. Hallas, J. Gaudet, N.P. Butch, M. Tachibana, R.S. Freitas, G.M. Luke, C.R. Wiebe, and B.D. Gaulin. Physical Review B: Rapid Communications 93, 100403(R) (2016).
[17] XY antiferromagnetic ground state in the effective S = ½ pyrochlore Yb2Ge2O7
A.M. Hallas, J. Gaudet, M. Wilson, T. Munsie, A.A. Aczel, M.B. Stone, R.S. Freitas, A.M. Arevalo-Lopez, J.P. Attfield, M. Tachibana, C.R. Wiebe, G.M. Luke, and B.D. Gaulin. Physical Review B 93, 104405 (2016).
[16] Antiferromagnetism and hidden order in isoelectronic doping of URu2Si2
M.N. Wilson, T.J. Williams, Y.P. Cai, A.M. Hallass, T. Medina, T.J. Munsie, S.C. Cheung, B.A. Frandsen, L. Liu, Y.J. Uemura, and G.M. Luke. Physical Review B 93, 064402 (2016).
[15] Structure and magnetic properties of new Be-substituted langasites A3Ga3Ge2BeO14 (A = Pr, Nd, and Sm)
A.Z. Sharma, H.J. Silverstein, A.M. Hallas, G.M. Luke, and C.R. Wiebe. Journal of Solid State Chemistry 233, 14-22 (2016).
[14] Frustrated magnetism in the double perovskite La2LiOsO6: A comparison with La2LiRuO6
C.M. Thompson, C.A. Marjerrison, A.Z. Sharma, C.R. Wiebe, D.D. Maharaj, G. Sala, R. Flacau, A.M. Hallas, Y. Cai, B.D. Gaulin, G.M. Luke, and J.E. Greedan. Physical Review B 93, 014431 (2016).
[13] Frustration under pressure: Exotic magnetism in new pyrochlore oxides
C.R. Wiebe and A.M. Hallas. APL Materials 3, 041519 (2015).
[12] Sub-Kelvin magnetic order in Sm3Ga5O12 single crystal
A.Z. Sharma, H.J. Silverstein, A.M. Hallas, G.M. Luke, and C.R. Wiebe. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 384, 235-240 (2015).
[11] Magnetic frustration in lead pyrochlores
A.M. Hallas, A.M. Arevalo-Lopez, A.Z. Sharma, T. Munsie, J.P. Attfield, C.R. Wiebe, and G.M. Luke. Physical Review B 91, 104417 (2015).
[10] Synthesis, structure, and magnetic properties of novel B-site ordered double perovskites, SrLaMReO6 (M = Mg, Mn, Co and Ni)
C.M. Thompson, L. Chi, J.R. Hayes, A.M. Hallas, M.N. Wilson, T.J.S. Munsie, I.P. Swainson, A.P. Grosvenor, G.M. Luke, and J.E. Greedan. Dalton Transactions 44, 10806 (2015).
[9] Incipient ferromagnetism in Tb2Ge2O7: Application of chemical pressure to the enigmatic spin-liquid compound Tb2Ti2O7
A.M. Hallas, J.G. Cheng, A.M. Arevalo-Lopez, H.J. Silverstein, Y. Su, P.M. Sarte, H.D. Zhou, E.S. Choi, J.P. Attfield, G.M. Luke, and C.R. Wiebe. Physical Review Letters 113, 267205 (2014).
[8] Liquidlike correlations in single-crystalline Y2Mo2O7: An unconventional spin glass
H.J. Silverstein, K. Fritsch, F. Flicker, A.M. Hallas, J.S. Gardner, Y. Qiu, G. Ehlers, A.T. Savici, Z. Yamani, K.A. Ross, B.D. Gaulin, M.J.P. Gingras, J.A.M. Paddison, K. Foyevtsova, R. Valenti, F. Hawthorne, C.R. Wiebe, and H.D. Zhou. Physical Review B 89, 054433 (2014).
[7] Long-range antiferromagnetic order in the frustrated XY pyrochlore antiferromagnet Er2Ge2O7
X. Li, W.M. Li, K. Matsubayashi, Y. Sato, C.Q. Jin, Y. Uwatoko, T. Kawae, A.M. Hallas, C.R. Wiebe, A.M. Arevalo-Lopez, J.P. Attfield, J.S. Gardner, R.S. Freitas, H.D. Zhou, and J.G. Cheng. Physical Review B 89, 064409 (2014).
[6] Chemical pressure effects on magnetism in the quantum spin liquid candidates Yb2X2O7 (X = Sn, Ti, Ge)
Z.L. Dun, M. Lee, E.S. Choi, A.M. Hallas, C.R. Wiebe, J.S. Gardner, E. Arrighi, R.S. Freitas, A.M. Arevalo-Lopez, J.P. Attfield, H.D. Zhou, and J.G. Cheng. Physical Review B 89, 064401 (2014).
[5] Yb2Sn2O7: A magnetic Coulomb liquid at a quantum critical point
Z.L. Dun, E.S. Choi, H.D. Zhou, A.M. Hallas, H.J. Silverstein, Y. Qiu, J.R.D. Copley, J.S. Gardner, and C.R. Wiebe. Physical Review B 87, 134408 (2013).
[4] Statics and dynamics of the highly correlated spin ice Ho2Ge2O7
A.M. Hallas, J.A.M. Paddison, H.J. Silverstein, A.L. Goodwin, J.R. Stewart, A.R. Wildes, J.G. Cheng, J.S. Zhou, J.B. Goodenough, E.S. Choi, G. Ehlers, J.S. Gardner, C.R. Wiebe, and H.D. Zhou. Physical Review B 86, 1344313 (2012).
[3] Successive phase transitions and extended spin-excitation continuum in the S = ½ triangular-lattice antiferromagnet Ba3CoSb2O9
H.D. Zhou, Cenke Xu, A.M. Hallas, H.J. Silverstein, C.R. Wiebe, I. Umegaki, J.Q. Yan, T.P. Murphy, J.H. Park, Y. Qiu, J.R.D. Copley, J.S. Gardner, and Y. Takano. Physical Review Letters 109, 267206 (2012).
[2] Chemical pressure effects on pyrochlore spin ice
H.D. Zhou, J.G. Cheng, A.M. Hallas, C.R. Wiebe, G. Li, L. Balicas, J.S. Zhou, J.B. Goodenough, J.S. Gardner, and E.S. Choi. Physical Review Letters 108, 207206 (2012).
[1] Pb3TeCo3V2O14: A potential multiferroic Co bearing member of the Dugganite series
H.J. Silverstein, K. Cruz-Kan, A.M. Hallas, H.D. Zhou, R.L. Donaberger, A.S. Wills, E.S. Choi, J. Huang, M. Bieringer, B.C. Hernden, and C.R. Wiebe. Chemistry of Materials 24 664-670 (2012).